Meditations & Recordings
Alaya Love's Heart Breath Meditation
If everyone on the planet would do this meditation everyday, I truly believe there would be peace on earth always! Thank you for your blessing's in this world, Alaya Love.
Opening Ceremony at Cervantes
I love having this phenomenal heart breath dream oscillation staff made by Kait DeMent...This is my new tool to pulse out a transmission of joy filled, unconditional LOVE & Empowerment to our human family...thank you to Kait & Michael and all that joined in our transmission of love.
Alaya Love's heart breath dream oscillation □□□□□□
Posted by Kait Neverland DeMention on Saturday, September 26, 2015
Shining Lion and Black Feet - Simplify & Unity Video
Inner ~ G Flow Healing with Alaya Love and Kame
Ambassador for Peace, Alaya Love: Be the Love that Heals with Morninglight
Alaya Love - Opening Ceremony of 2013 Breakthrough Energy Conference
Alaya Love - The Activation Part 1
Alaya Love - The Activation - Part 2
The Atlantis King Boulder Gathering!